Ending HIV

Launched in 2013, ACON’s Ending HIV initiative has focused on educating, informing and supporting gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM) to reduce HIV transmissions in NSW by 80% by 2020. That’s a virtual elimination of the HIV epidemic.

Now, as we’ve reached the year 2020, while we haven’t quite reached our goal, as the community, we have made great strides towards reducing HIV infections.

HIV and STI testing is up, people living with HIV are getting on treatment sooner and people continue to practise safe sex in all its forms. As a result, we’ve seen the number of HIV infections decline which tells us that we’re definitely on the right track!

If we keep up the pace and continue to work together as a community, we can end HIV transmissions for all.

How can we end HIV together?

A vaccine or cure for HIV has yet to be found. However, you can help reduce HIV transmissions by 80% in our community by ensuring you:

  • Test Often
    If you identify as gay, bisexual or a man who has sex with men (GBMSM), and you’re sexually active, it’s important to test for HIV regularly – four times a year. Knowing your status means you can take control of your health while helping reduce transmissions within our community.
  • Treat Early
    For someone diagnosed with HIV, it’s important to consider treatment and care as soon as possible. We know that treatment can result in achieving an undetectable viral load (UVL), meaning it reduces the adverse health impacts of HIV while preventing the onward transmission of HIV.
  • Stay Safe
    Choose a HIV prevention strategy that works for you, such as condoms, PrEPundetectable viral load (UVL) or a combination. Staying safe reduces the stress and anxiety that can sometimes be associated with sex, and it helps prevent the transmission of HIV.

Where Ending HIV started

ACON’s got your back

ACON was established in 1985 as the AIDS Council of NSW. We’re a health promotion organisation specialising in HIV prevention, HIV support and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) health.

For over three decades, ACON has been passionate about looking after our community, and we’ll always remain committed to advancing our community’s health and wellbeing.

We’re committed to ending HIV. Are you?