My pharmacy is out of PrEP… What next?

Across NSW, many gay and bi+ guys are using PrEP as their main prevention method. From time to time there can be issues with the supply of PrEP, so it can be helpful to think about what strategies you can use to make sure you’re able to keep accessing it and maintain protection from HIV.

Is there a PrEP supply issue in Australia?

It seems as though we may be about to experience a temporary PrEP supply issue in Australia, following news that three out of the six main suppliers of PrEP in Australia have reported disruptions due to manufacturing issues or commercial changes.

This means that some pharmacies may not have certain brands of PrEP or they may be out of stock if they use one of the three suppliers experiencing these issues.

We are aware however that NSW Health are working to ensure access to PrEP medication for those who need it.

At this stage, suppliers expect stock to become available again between mid-October and early November 2024.

What can I do while PrEP is out of stock at my pharmacy?

While there is still PrEP available in Australia despite these disruptions, here are a few tips to make sure you remain protected from HIV while access to PrEP may be limited:

Plan ahead and keep a month’s supply handy

When stocks are low, it’s a good idea to get your PrEP in advance, in case you need to go to a different pharmacy or several.

Make sure you get your prescription for PrEP from your doctor early and try to have a month’s supply (one full bottle) at the point you head to the pharmacist to have more dispensed.

You could stay on top of this by putting tasks in your calendar or setting up a reminder on your phone to get tested, go to your doctor, and fill your prescription.

Check other pharmacies

You may find that your regular pharmacy is out of PrEP. Not all pharmacies use the same PrEP supplier, so you may need to try a different pharmacy to find one that has stock. This is why planning in advance is important.

It may also happen that your regular pharmacy will have PrEP, however, due to the low stock, will only be able to dispense a one-month supply at a time. While this isn’t impossible, you’ll just need to be mindful of your remaining pills and try and get more dispensed every time you reach a one-month supply.

Order PrEP online

Another option, especially if you live in a regional area and are having trouble finding PrEP, is to order it online. You can buy PrEP online for personal importation whether you have access to Medicare or not. Delivery times may vary — often between five and 10 working days, though this may take longer. Make sure you order well in advance, so you don’t run out of PrEP.

There are also several low and no-cost PrEP options:

Consider other ways to take PrEP

There are three recommended ways to take PrEP: daily, on-demand and periodic. Importantly, both on-demand and periodic are strategies can help reduce the amount of PrEP pills you need to take during a period when it’s harder to find a reliable PrEP supply.

On-Demand PrEP can provide HIV protection for a short period, usually a single sexual encounter, or a short period with multiple encounters. On-demand PrEP consists of multiple doses taken at specific times, read more about it and how to take it safely here. Please note that on-demand PrEP is currently not recommended for trans men, non-binary people and cisgender women.

Periodic PrEP is similar to daily PrEP but over a specific period (perhaps for a week or two during the festival season or on holiday). Read more about periodic PrEP here.

If you are considering which PrEP regiment is right for you, check out our PrEP dosing tool.

Consider using other HIV prevention methods

PrEP isn’t the only HIV prevention method! So if you find yourself running short, you could consider using other forms of protection, such as Undetectable Viral Load or condoms.

Undetectable Viral Load (UVL, or undetectable) describes when a person living with HIV has effectively suppressed the HIV within their body through the use of HIV medicine, effectively eliminating the possibility of transmitting the virus.

Maintaining an undetectable viral load means there’s zero chance of someone transmitting HIV through sex — even when condoms or PrEP aren’t being used. So, if your partner(s) are undetectable that means you’re protected from HIV.

Condoms are of course one of the oldest and most effective HIV prevention options in the kit. You can find them at grocery stores and pharmacies, or even free online!

Use PEP in an emergency

If you’ve suddenly run out of PrEP, and you think you might imminently be at risk of HIV transmission; Post-Exposure Prophylaxis (PEP) is available in an emergency. It’s a 28-day course of medication you can take to prevent getting HIV if you think you’ve been exposed.

You can get PEP from hospital accident and emergency departments and through sexual health clinics. To find out where you can get PEP near you call the PEP hotline on 1800 737 669 or visit the website.