Test Often

We’re committed to working with our communities to virtually put a stop to new HIV transmissions, and one of the key ways to achieve that is by getting everyone at risk of HIV to test regularly.

In NSW, guys are testing more than ever because it’s easier than ever to get a test. Sure, testing for HIV can sometimes be confronting, inconvenient or scary. If you’ve never been tested before, it can be a little nerve-racking.

However, getting tested is easier than you think. Making testing a regular habit puts you in the driver’s seat of your own sexual health while taking care of the guys you play with.

Test to know your HIV status

When was your last test? Months, years, decades ago? Or perhaps never?

A lot of cases of HIV transmission are from guys who think they are neg, but actually have HIV and aren’t aware of it. This is why testing and being sure of your status is so important.

Just like your birthday or home address, you should always know your current HIV status.

It’s easier and faster than ever to test

That’s right. In many locations around NSW, rapid HIV testing is fast, easy and confidential, with your results back in as little as 30 minutes. In many cases, it’s also free and available even without a Medicare card, like at a[TEST] or other sexual health clinics.

These tests will also typically check for other STIs which is great to keep as part of your routine, even if you’re using prevention methods such as PrEP and condoms.

Nowadays, you can even do it yourself at home with a HIV self-test kit. These are available to order for free from anywhere in Australia, straight to your door.

Are you in?

HIV negative guys play a huge role in Ending HIV. Here’s what you can do:

  • Test four times a year if you are sexually active, or if you are not sexually active or in a monogamous relationship, test at least annually
  • Test each time you think you may have been exposed to HIV or an STI
  • Sign up for our free REMIND ME service that alerts you when it’s time to get tested again