All About Condoms

One of the most effective ways to stay safe is by using condoms. Condoms can prevent infected fluids passing from one guy to another when fucking, so they make anal sex safe for both the top and the bottom by preventing the transmission of HIV and a range of other sexually transmitted infections (STIs).

Condoms galore!

Life is all about choices, and when it comes to condoms, we’ve got it pretty good. There are lots of different condoms available for guys who like different sensations or experiences – super-thin, ultra-tough, slimmer-fitting, flared, studded, ribbed, flavoured, and even condoms that vibrate or glow in the dark.

So, it’s up to you what kind of condoms you use, and remember, all condoms that are sold in Australia go through stringent testing so you can be confident you’re staying safe.

Where to find condoms

In NSW, condoms are available for free at sexual health clinics and all sex-on-premises venues (SOPVs). Find out where to get free condoms across NSW here.

You can also purchase them from thousands of commercial outlets, including supermarkets, convenience stores, petrol stations, adult shops, etc, and also online from a wide variety of Australian websites, including these:

  1. Chemist Warehouse
  2. Pharmacy Online
  3. Condomman

Lube up!

When used correctly, condoms are very reliable. However, they can occasionally break or slip off, so it’s a good idea to check from time to time that the condom is still on and intact. One of the best ways of preventing tears is by ensuring you are using enough lube, particularly when using water- or silicone-based lubes.

Water-based lubes: These are cheaper and don’t stain the sheets, but you may have to stop to reapply them as they dry up quicker than other lubricants.

Silicone lubes: These are generally more expensive and arguably smoother and can sometimes stain your sheets, but you use less of them, and they last longer.

Silicone/water hybrids: These are safe to use and are meant to give you the best of both worlds.


Not using any lube or using oil-based lubricants (including Vaseline and butter) wears down the condoms and makes them easier to break. Of course, if that happens, it means there’s a greater risk of HIV and other STIs being transmitted. So, we recommend using water-based lubes, silicone-based lubes or a combination.

How to use a condom

We’ve set out some steps to follow when using condoms – it may seem like a lot, but it quickly becomes second nature.

  1. Check the expiry date of your condom!
  2. Open the packet carefully. Do this by pushing the condom into the opposite corner of the package from where you will make your tear. Avoid using your teeth or nails when opening the package so you don’t rip the condom.
  3. Make sure it is the right way up. The roll of latex should be on the outside, not the inside.
  4. Squeeze the air out of the tip of the condom.
  5. Roll the condom down to the base of the dick.
  6. Apply lots of lube to the outside of the condom (and inside the other person’s arse).
  7. After sex, hold on to the condom at the base of your dick as you pull out. Otherwise, it may stay inside the other person’s arse.
  8. Tie it in a knot and put it in the bin. Do not flush down the toilet.

Some guys like to put some lube on the head of their dick before they roll the condom on, which can improve pleasure. If you do decide to add some extra lube, try not to overdo it or get any on the shaft, as it makes it more likely to slip off during sex.

In general, it can be a good idea to keep an eye on your condom stock so you aren’t caught when the moment presents itself. Store condoms out of direct sunlight or where they’re likely to be affected by extremes in temperature, like a hot car. This will prevent them from deteriorating ahead of their expiry date. Similarly, it’s better not to keep a condom in your wallet, as the friction is likely to damage it.

If you are a more visual learner, check our TikTok tutorial here:

@endinghiv Do you know the right way to put on a condom? #gay #queer #seggs #seggshealth #endinghiv ♬ Funk It Up – Official Sound Studio


There’s no denying that some guys have trouble staying hard when they’re using condoms. Here are some handy tips.

  • Alcohol and other drugs can impede the ability to get or maintain an erection, so consider if changing your consumption might help.
  • Condoms that are too tight can restrict blood flow, and make it more difficult to get an erection, so consider finding your perfect fit before sex
  • Place a bit of lube on the head of the penis (but not the shaft) before putting on the condom. This will help increase the sensitivity. Wear a cock ring to help stay hard before putting on a condom
  • Get your partner to place the condom on you and make it a fun part of sex. Foreplay is sexy!


Sometimes, condoms break during sex. If this happens to you, don’t panic. You may need PEP, which needs to be started within 72 hours of a potential exposure to HIV. PEP is a 4-week course of HIV treatment that prevents HIV infection. Learn more about accessing PEP here.

If more than 72 hours have passed after the breakage, you should book an HIV test to confirm your status. After this, you’ll need to book a follow-up test 3 months later to confirm your status after the HIV window period has expired. If you are experiencing anxiety about this or still have questions, you can contact a sexual health nurse through the NSW Sexual Health Info Link on weekdays between 9 AM and 5:30 PM on 1800 451 624.


No matter your sexual habits or preferences, condoms remain one of the best ways to stay safe. If you regularly have sex with guys, or if you are planning on fucking soon, it’s always a great idea to have condoms readily available and have them in an easy-to-access place so you don’t need to break the mood to get them.

ACON provides free condoms and lube at various locations across NSW. Find your nearest location here.