Get a free HIV self-test from a MyTest vending machine

While you might be a bit more used to a soft drink vending machine or maybe one of those condom machines in the bathrooms at a club – the latest and greatest has arrived – introducing free HIV self-testing kit vending machines by MyTest.

What is MyTest?

MyTest is a NSW Health service that makes HIV self-testing kits available for free from vending machines in selected locations in NSW.

All you need is a smartphone you can use to scan a QR code and follow a short set of instructions and then the machine will release your test. Easy!

Maintain your privacy while you get tested

These vending machines are stationed in discreet areas where people can anonymously access the vending machine and retrieve their tests while maintaining their privacy.

The only information that the service requires you to register is limited to your age (must be 16 or over), a mobile number or email address, and a confirmation that the person registering has read the privacy statement.

You can take the test and complete it in a location that satisfies your own privacy needs.

Where can I find these HIV self-test vending machines?

At the time of writing, these are the current locations:

You can find all of the current MyTest vending machine locations on the MyTest website here.

What comes in the MyTest testing kit?

  • 1 x Atomo HIV self-test kit with instructions
  • 2 x condoms
  • 2 x sachets of lubricant
  • 1 x information card with additional support services and information on HIV prevention

What do I do if I have a positive result?

While the HIV self-test is extremely accurate if your result is a positive result, you will need to follow up and get a blood test with a doctor to confirm your result.

To find out where you can get a free and private follow-up test, call the NSW Sexual Health Infolink on 1800 451 624.

If your result is confirmed positive by your doctor, they will talk to you about the next steps, including treatment, talking to your loved ones and other important things you need to know.

If you have tested positive for HIV, it is important you:

  • don’t ignore the result
  • start treatment for HIV as soon as possible. HIV treatment is free for all people in NSW (no Medicare card required)
  • connect with a doctor you trust
  • practise safe sex

What if there is no vending machine near me?

If there isn’t a vending machine that is easily accessible to you, then the good news is that you can still get a free HIV self-test!

Instead get a free HIV self-test kit delivered to an address of your choosing by visiting and filling out a brief form only requiring your name, email, and desired postal address.