Treating HIV is ending HIV transmission

HIV treatment has changed the game.

Today people living with HIV can live healthy lives thanks to treatment, which can be accessed for free even without Medicare in NSW! Taking treatment can mean as little as one pill a day or an injection every few months, looking after your health can be that simple. So, how does it help end HIV transmission?

Taking treatment over time can result in achieving an undetectable viral load (UVL), meaning the amount of HIV in a person’s body has been reduced to an ‘undetectable’ level. The science has shown undetectable not only protects their health, but it means there is no risk of HIV transmission to their partners!

To understand all the ways that treatment is helping to end HIV transmission, first, we should look back to where we’ve come from.

Early days of treatment

For several years at the start of the epidemic, there was no form of treatment available. This left many in the distressing situation of knowing their positive status, but without being able to do anything about it.

When treatments became available in the late 80s, like the infamous AZT, most were toxic with many side effects and were expensive and hard to find.

It wasn’t until 1996 that the epidemic shifted with the introduction of combination therapy, which used a cocktail of three drugs. This approach to HIV treatment was able to properly stop the effects of HIV, and transform it from a death sentence to a chronic condition.

We’re deeply grateful for all that people living with HIV have given in the search for HIV treatment and hopefully, one day for a cure.

Treatment today

Modern HIV treatments are highly effective at suppressing the virus, reducing the impact HIV has on their body and allowing them to lead full lives.

These treatments are far better tolerated, often one pill a day, with far fewer side effects. You can access them completely for free in NSW even without Medicare, and there is even a long-acting injectable treatment option available!

The best time to start treatment is now

Originally, people living with HIV and their doctors weighed up the risk of side effects from older, more toxic treatments, versus the health of their immune system and HIV viral load.

But modern treatments have eliminated the worst of the side effects, and it’s now advised to begin treatment as soon as you learn about your HIV-positive status and most people begin treatment in 48hrs.

Research has shown that starting treatment early if not immediately after diagnosis increases life expectancy, improves health and prevents serious illness by more than 50% compared to those who delay starting treatment.

Anyone can access treatment for free in NSW

It’s true that anyone can access treatment for free across NSW. Those with access to Medicare can see s100 prescribing doctors for fee-free treatment. Find a s100 HIV treatment provider near you using this tool.

Or if you don’t have Medicare, you’ll be able to access HIV treatment through the NSW public hospital system.

Undetectable = Untransmittable

It’s likely you’ve already heard of “undetectable”, “undetectable viral load” or “U=U” when chatting with friends or lovers.

When a person living with HIV has an undetectable viral load, they not only benefit from better health, but they also pose no risk for HIV transmission to their partners!

Backed by multiple international studies, the effectiveness of undetectable at preventing HIV transmission has inspired a campaign known as Undetectable = Untransmittable.

This campaign shared the news of the elimination of the risk of HIV transmission thanks to a person’s undetectable status. Since then, the U=U acronym has become commonplace on dating apps, to communicate a person’s undetectable status, and it’s a great way to prevent HIV transmission!

You might ask what if guys don’t take their treatments? While it might occur very rarely, there is a very strong incentive for people living with HIV to take their treatment; besides protecting their partners HIV treatment it also keeps them healthy.

Always be responsible for your health and protect yourself with PrEP, condoms or a combination.

Treating HIV is ending HIV transmission.