Then and now
This is ending HIV transmission
We’ve faced fear, stigma and lost loved ones. But look how far we’ve come.
Together we’ve built a movement and rallied behind the call, the mission to end new HIV transmissions.
We can each do our part by knowing the facts about HIV transmission. This includes: staying safe with HIV prevention like PrEP and condoms, testing often for HIV and STIs, and treating early if you test positive for HIV. All of this is ending HIV transmission.
Knowledge is ending HIV transmission
Today, for most people in NSW living with HIV, it’s no longer a fight for survival. People living with HIV are living healthier lives thanks to modern treatment and healthcare.
But there is still a problem, and that’s stigma caused by outdated information and misconceptions about HIV. It’s time we change the narrative and confront stigma.
Each of us needs to be curious and learn the truth about what it means to both prevent HIV transmission and live with HIV today. Learning about HIV and sharing that knowledge with your friends and partners is how we break down barriers and bring us together.
Learn more about how knowledge is ending HIV transmission.
PrEP is ending HIV transmission
PrEP is a pill that prevents HIV transmission, and it’s changed many of our lives for the better!
Since 2016, PrEP has been a way many in our community protect themselves from HIV.
Now you can take PrEP daily, for round-the-clock protection, on-demand, for when you need it most, or periodically when you’re planning on hook-ups over a period. There are also new PrEP medications in development.
You can get PrEP right now across NSW. Have a chat with your GP or sexual health professional to get a script.
Learn more about how PrEP is ending HIV transmission.
Testing is ending HIV transmission
Testing for HIV and STIs gives you control of your sex life. Today you can find a free, fast and confidential test that suits you!
Rapid HIV testing can get you lightning-fast results at a sexual health clinic in as little as 20 minutes.
Want to do one on your own time? Order an HIV self-testing kit online, or grab one through a vending machine to complete it at a time and place that suits you.
Sexual health centres or testing through a GP is available state-wide, find a place near you through our where to get tested tool.
Learn more about how testing is ending HIV transmission.
Condoms are ending HIV transmission
Condoms have been keeping us safe since forever! Thankfully we’ve moved well away from their early forms (goodbye sheep intestines!).
The best news? Condoms don’t just prevent HIV transmission, they’re effective at preventing a range of STIs too. This is great for all-round protection for those who want it. But don’t count yourself out if you’re undetectable or on PrEP, using condoms can minimise the number of trips you need to the clinic for STI checks.
Condoms are easy to get from grocery stores, and pharmacies, or even free at certain venues or sexual health clinics. Find free condoms using our tool or just head down to your local shops!
Learn more about how condoms are ending HIV transmission.
Treating early is ending HIV transmission
At the start of the HIV epidemic, treatments were scarce and the ones that were available were renowned for being toxic with many side effects.
Today, treatment can mean taking as little as a single pill a day, and side effects can be minimised or removed by swapping between medication regimes, guided by a doctor. Treatment is free in NSW and accessible without Medicare, so anyone who needs it can access it.
Research has shown that people living with HIV who take treatment can reduce the level of the virus in their bodies to an ‘undetectable’ level. This not only keeps them healthy but also prevents transmission to their partners. That’s pretty amazing!
Find out more about undetectable and how treatment is ending HIV transmission.
So, let’s stay safe with HIV prevention like PrEP and condoms, test often for HIV and STIs, and treat early if you test positive for HIV.
This is ending HIV transmission.